Trampoline's claim to fame was being the band led by WHFS (Washington, D.C. radio station) DJ Pat Ferrise with a revolving cast of backing musicians from notable D.C. area indie bands like Edsel, Chisel, Poole, Velocity Girl, and Girls Against Boys. This was Ferrise's second album under the
Trampoline moniker, and was a slight departure from his 1994 debut,
Dormer - shifting from jangly pop to more straightforward indie rock. Though it occasionally flirts with polished alterna/radio rock tendencies, the album's cast of indie rock luminaries ultimately saves it from non-credibility. The album was produced by Rich Costey, who at this point had worked with bands such as Swirlies and Lilys, and has since gone on to work with some of the bigger names in rock music.
Hey! Turns out it's a very decent band I've never heard of. Do you by any chance own their debut Dormer? Would be nice if someone could put that one up someday... Thank you.